Training blog

Viime blogitekstissä kerroin, mille pyöräilyn harrastajan ruokavalion tulisi pääpiirteittään näyttää. Nyt on aika tsekata, millä tolalla sinun oma ruokavaliosi on. Valitse itsellesi sopiva päiväkirja Ruokavalion tarkastelu on paras aloittaa pitämällä ruokapäiväkirjaa, sillä pelkän mututuntuman avulla on vaikeaa muodostaa totuudenmukaista kuvaa...
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At some point, whether it’s during your training or the event itself you’re likely to experience a flat tire or small mechanical problem while you’re out riding. In the next two articles I’m going to go over how to perform...
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Many of you will have already planned to ride Saimaa Cycle Tour in a group. This is really recommended because over a long ride like this the group can become a real sanctuary for riders, helping them save valuable energy, offering some shelter from the elements, and giving them the chance to talk with other people.
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Periodization is the process of organizing your training. The training plan for Saimaa Cycle Tour has been organized based on a traditional four phase periodization model, where each of the four training phases or meso-cycles are divided into smaller training weeks or micro-cycles of three active weeks and one active recovery week. Each training phase has an objective where a key performance factor is developed or improved during said phase.
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What if this year you begin to eat in a cleverer way? Correct eating habits will improve your health, your stamina and your body composition. Designing a suitable diet is not rocket science. If you get some basic things right and you avoid the worst pitfalls, you will go a long way already.

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