Training blog
Mitä jos tänä vuonna rupeaisit syömään entistä fiksummin? Oikeanlainen ruokailu tukee terveyttäsi, jaksamistasi ja kehonkoostumustasi. Sopivan ruokavalion koostaminen ei kuitenkaan ole rakettitiedettä, vaan jo muutaman perusasian paikalleen laittaminen ja pahimpien sudenkuoppien välttäminen riittää pitkälle.
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In this week's blog post I want to briefly talk about training intensity domains, what intensity domain your easy, long and hard sessions should be made in and give you some different cues that you are exercising in the correct intensity domain and getting the desired response from your training.
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Once you have decided to ride the Saimaa Cycle Tour. It’s important you start training for the event right away. Many of us will be dealing with winter weather conditions, which can make riding a bike a little unpleasant. It...
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Over the coming weeks I will be writing a series of blog articles that provide you with practical and actionable advice on how to train for the Saimaa Cycle Tour. New articles will be available every two weeks and will also include a two week training plan. So you can follow along with the training plan provided or adapt it to suit your own schedule.